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Cooking with David

Wine Vinegar

Copyright © 2006 by David E. Ross

Occasionally, I like a glass or two of good wine with a meal. My dear wife Evelyn, however, rarely drinks any kind of alcohol. Thus, it's possible that I might get tired of wine left-overs.

For wine vinegar, I let an open bottle of wine stand on a counter for 3-5 days. Then, I pour it into a glass jug. (We received three small jugs with commercial wine vinegar many years ago.) I now have three kinds of vinegar.

These vinegars are great when making salad dressings. They tend to be sweeter than commercial vinegars, so be cautious if a recipe includes sugar.

Note these vinegars are less acidic than commercial wine vinegar or distilled white vinegar. Thus, it might not be suitable where a certain level of acidity is needed (e.g., when making mayonnaise, pickling).

21 November 2006

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