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Unrated |
In the following list, definitions in the right-hand column relate to the context in which the malaprop was found. Where the meaning of the words is quite clear, the definitions might be omitted.
I have also seen some of the listed malaprops reversed. That is, sometimes a word from the right-hand column was used when a word from the left-hand column was meant.
From Absolution and Ablution to Must and Mussed
What Was Written | What Was Meant |
nana: nickname for grandmother | nano: prefix meaning one-billionth (1/1,000,000,000)
A nano-second is an extremely brief amount of time (as intended by the author who wrote nana second). |
natural: not artificial (used in natural ground) |
neutral: unbiased, not part of either side in a dispute |
naturalist: a scientist who studies nature | naturist: a nudist |
necked: descriptive of a neck (e.g., a long-necked swan | naked: unclothed, nude |
neckless: without a neck | necklace: jewelry worn around the neck |
nerves: more than one nerve | nervous: anxious, "on edge", emotionally tense |
nest: a bird's home | next: nearest in a sequence |
next store: not this store but the one next to it
Seen in I crawled over to the keyhole to take a look-see at what was happening in the room next store. |
next-door: adjacent |
nigh: near | night: not day |
nettles: plants that are very prickly | needles: tools used for sewing |
no body: the corpse is missing | nobody: no one, no person
These would be homonyms except that a shift of accent causes them to be pronounced differently. |
noise: unstructured sound | nose: in the middle of your face, for smelling |
nonplused: perplexed; fazed
As used by the author, nonplused was the opposite of what was intended. | unfazed: not dismayed |
Norris: a family name | Norse: Scandinavian |
obit: obituary, a written tribute to someone who has recently died | bit: a small amount |
oblation: a religious offering or sacrifice | ablution: washing of the body |
of (used in would of) | have (should be would have)
This error is caused by mispronouncing the contraction would've. |
of, off
[Using one of these for the other is a very common typographical error and indicates a total lack of proofreading.] | |
on: not off | one: 1
[One author consistently used on when he meant one.] |
organism: an animal or plant considered as a totality of interdependent parts | orgasm: sexual climax |
our, out
[As with of and off, using one of these for the other is a very common typographical error.] | |
out: not in | ought: should |
out door: exit door (compared with in door: entrance door)
Seen in: It was dark and took a few minutes to a gust from the out door summer brightness to the gloom of the bar. |
outdoor: outside |
ova: egg (usually of a mammal)
Seen in a hell ova lot. | of a (the phrase being a hell of a lot.) |
over | oven |
overhauls: rebuilds (as in an automobile engine) | overalls: loose-fitting trousers with a bib front and shoulder straps, often worn over regular clothing as protection from dirt |
pact: agreement | pack: package |
park | |
pall: a covering (usually black cloth) used to cover a coffin or tomb | pal: a friend |
parameter: a constant that characterizes the variables in a formula or equation (sometimes indicated symbolically, which causes it to be confused with a variable)
Parameter is one of the most abused words in modern English. If you are not discussing mathematics, avoid using this word. | perimeter: the boundary of an area, the length of such a boundary |
passed: moved on | past: beyond |
pasted on: used paste to stick on | passed on: euphamism for died |
pate: a bald head | plate: on which food is placed |
peasant | pleasant |
perked: recovered one's spirits or vigor; made in a percolator | piqued: provoked, stimulated
See also the homonyms peaked, peeked, and piqued. |
per say:
per se: by, of, for, or in itself |
perspective: a method of depicting solids and spatial relationships on a flat surface
Seen in perspective buyers. Since the context was about an art show, this was an unintentional pun. |
prospective: expected, likely to happen, future |
petals: showy parts of a flower | pedals [of an airplane]: controls operated by the feet |
physiatrist: a medical doctor who specializes in physical therapy | psychiatrist: a medical doctor who specializes in emotional disorders and diseases of the mind |
physic: laxative (not the science physics, which has an s) | physique: the appearance of a person's body |
pictures: paintings or photographs | pitcher: a large container for liquid
The expression is Little pitchers have big ears. This is a pun based on the term ear used for the handle on a pitcher, even small pitchers tend to have large handles or ears. The expression is a metaphor for how small children eavesdrop on adult conversations. |
pilled: formed little balls of fluff on a knit fabric | piled: stacked in a haphazard manner |
ping: a sharp sound like that of a small object striking a sheet of metal
Seen in ball ping hammer |
peen: the end of a hammer's head opposite the normal striking face
A ball-peen hammer has a ball-shaped peen used to make dimples in decorative metal work or to spread the end of a rivet thus securing it in place. |
pints: units of liquid measure, 2 cups = 1 pint, 2 pints = 1 quart
Seen in one of the key pints of the investigation | points: issues, concepts |
piqued [peekt]: excited or aroused (e.g., interest, curiosity) | peaked [PEEked]: ailing, indisposed, poorly, sickly |
plagues: widespread, deadly diseases; specifically, diseases caused by the bacillus Pastueurella pestis | plaques: flat pieces of hard material (e.g., wood, metal), ornately finished for use as wall decorations, often presented to persons to honor their accomplishments |
plaintiff: the complainant in a civil lawsuit | plaintive: whining, mournful, sad |
pleased: made happy | pled: made a plea |
plumb: vertically straight, as determined by the use of a weight (plumb bob) at the end of a string (plumb line) | plum: a fruit, usually purple, with a pit
In Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker, one of the dances is "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" (not "Sugar Plumb"). |
plutonic: (geology) a crystallized mineral of a subterranean, igneous origin | platonic: (of a relationship) spiritual, without sensual feeling |
portion: a part of the whole (whether separated from the whole or not); the quantity of food served to one person
Seen in love portion | potion: a liquid medicine or a large dose thereof |
posture: the way a person holds his or her body | poster: a graphic (e.g., photo, drawing, lithograph) on a very large piece of paper |
pound: a weight; to beat | pond: a small pool of water |
pour | poor |
predatory: characterized by plundering, living by pillaging
Seen in the name of a school without humorous intent. | preparatory: (of a school) private for preparing students for college |
prefer: favor | refer: cite, describe |
presents: gifts | presence: being here |
primp: to dress up with excess attention to detail | prim: extremely precise and proper |
privet: a shrub in the genus Ligustrum | private: not public |
prodigal: a spendthrift, someone who is recklessly extravagant | prodigy: a young person having extraordinary talent or ability |
proficient: skilled, expert | sufficient: enough |
promenade: a walk as for pleasure or display, a public area used for such walking | prominent: conspicuous; important or well-known |
prospective: of or in the future; potential, likely, or expected | perspective: a technique of depicting three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional flat surface; a distant scene, vista |
prosperity: material well-being, the state of being prosperous | posterity: future generations (taken collectively) |
protean [pro TEE un]: versatile; changeable in shape or form, highly variable | protein [PRO teen]: one of a large number of organic molecules composed of various amino acids |
prosperous: affluent, wealthy | preposterous: ridiculous, absurd |
pumpkin: a vegetable in the squash and grourd family | bumpkin: a rustic, unsophisticated person |
quart: two pints (1/4 gallon) | court: plaza |
quite | quiet |
racking: placing items on a rack; arranging pool balls in the triangle | raking: using a rake to gather leaves or grass cuttings or to prepare a seed bed |
raff: rabble, riffraff, a disorderly collection | wrath: anger |
rage: anger | rag: a piece of cloth |
rapport: harmony of relationship, agreement, accord | report: a sharp sound (as from a gun shot) |
rations: gives in limited amounts | reasons: thinks |
ravens: large, black birds | ravines: small, narrow canyons |
re-access: enter again | reassess: evaluate again |
ream: 500 sheets (of paper) | bolt: board with a large quantity of cloth wound about it (the way cloth is distributed for selling) |
reclined: sat in a slouching position that was almost lying down | declined: refused to accept |
recon: reconnoiter, survey (often in the military sense) | reckon: calculate; take into consideration |
refuse: trash | refuge: shelter |
regiment: a unit of military forces, consisting of two or more battalions or battle groups; to form into an organized group, including through the use of strict discipline, usually for the purpose of rigid or complete control | regimen: a regulated system, as of diet, therapy, or exercise; a course of intense physical training |
remediation: after mediation is unsuccessful, another attempt at mediation
For some reason, educators who should know better too often use remediation when they mean remedy |
remedy: correct or remove a defect |
reputed: reported or supposed to be such | reputable: honorable, respectable |
rescinded: cancelled | receded: drew back, deflated |
resent: sent again (RE-cent); be indignant (re-ZENT) | recent: near past |
resided: lived (often in reference to a location) | subsided: sank to a lower level; became quiet, less active, or less violent |
residency: the training during which doctor learns a specialty | residence: home |
rivalry: competition | reveille: a military bugle call to awaken troops |
rick: a rounded stack with the top thatched to protect it from the weather (e.g., stacked hay) | rich: wealthy |
rickrack (misspelled as ricrac): a flat braid in a zigzag pattern, used to trim clothing | bricabrac: decorative objects, knickknacks |
ridged: characterized by ridges | rigid: stiff |
rift raft: a juryrigged boat (raft) for navigating over a seismic valley (rift) | riffraff: rabble, the common populace |
road: street
Seen in tough road to hoe |
row: a series of things in a straight line
The phrase tough row to hoe refers to hoeing between rows of vegetables in a garden where the soil, roots, or closeness of the rows makes the work difficult. Metaphorically, this phrase refers to any difficult, ongoing task. |
rot [rot]: decay, mold Seen in rot iron. |
wrought [rawt]: shaped by beating with a hammer |
rout: a disorderly, overwhelming defeat | route: a path or road taken when traveling from one place to another |
row: a number of things arranged in a straight line, the line of such things
Seen in row call |
roll: a list containing the names of the persons belonging to a company, class, society, etc. |
rube: a bumpkin, hillbilly, hick, naïve rural person
Seen in rube socks, thus hillbilly socks | .
tube: a hollow, cylindrical object
Tube socks are straight with neither a heel nor a bend at the heel. |
ruck stack [two words]:
Thus, an orderly pile of inferior persons. |
rucksack [one word]: knapsack; backpack carried by hikers, bicyclists |
saccade: series of small, jerky movements of the eyes when changing focus from one point to another; halting a horse quickly with a single strong pull of the reins | cicada: an insect noted for a long larval period (11-17 years) and the high-pitched drone made by adults rubbing their wings together (called 17-year locust but not a true locust) |
sacred: entitled to religious respect by association with divinity
scarred: marked with a scar |
scared: frightened
I once read a story in which the author used both sacred and scarred where he obviously meant scared. |
Safire: a family name | saphire: a gem stone |
sanctity | sanctuary |
sauna: a form of sweat bath or steam room, dry other than from humidity | hot-tub, whirlpool: a small pool of hot water strongly agitated through the action of a pump drawing water and re-injecting it through nozzles |
saver: one who saves (generally, with reference to saving money)
savoir: (French) know, as in savoir faire (literally: to know how to act; idiomatically: to know how to do or say exactly the right thing without any effort) sever: cut off |
savior: one who saves (generally, with reference to saving someone else's life)
savor: enjoy with pleasure |
say | saw |
scrapes: scratches | scraps: remnants, left-overs |
seal | seat |
searing: using high heat to cook the outside of food to seal in moisture | searching: seeking |
seat | sweat |
secrete | secret |
seeded: planted from seeds | seated: based
The phrase is deep seated, not deep seeded |
severally: individually, separately | severely: seriously, harshly |
sexton: an employee or officer of a church who is responsible the maintenance of the facilities | sextant: a device used in navigation to determine latitude by measuring the angular elevation above the horizon of stars, the sun, or other celestial bodies |
shredded: cut or tore into small pieces (often in short thin strips) | shed: removed (often, skin, clothing, or an outer coating) |
shilling: a British monetary unit before that currency was made decimal, 12 pence or 1/20 of a pound | shingle: a flat roofing material |
shinny: climb upwards using the legs [usually with reference to climbing a rope or pole, using the shins] | shiny: polished, glistening (i.e., to a bright shine) |
shock: a sudden and violent blow or impact; collision; a sudden or violent disturbance or commotion, possibly of the mind | shook: past tense of shake, shaken |
shuck: [noun] a husk or pod; [verb] remove or discard, possibly applied to the husk of an ear of corn | |
should | shoulder |
show | snow |
shudders: shakes | shutters: wood or metal coverings for windows |
signed: wrote a signature | sighed |
signing | singing |
sighing | |
sigh: inhale and exhale audibly (often to express sadness, pain, or frustration) | sight: view, that which is seen Obviously, this is a typo — one of those that no spell-checker could catch. |
similes: figures of speech in which explicit comparisons are made with unlike things
So are you to my thoughts as food to life Shakespeare |
smiles: facial expressions indicating happiness or pleasure, usually involving the corners of the lips being higher on the face than the centers of the lips |
simulation | stimulation |
since | sense |
sire: parent (usually father) | offspring: child |
sir name [two words]: name of a knight | surname [one word]: last name, family name |
skin | sink |
skittles: a game of nine-pins in which a flattened ball or thick disc is thrown at the pins to knock them down | skillets: frying pans |
slew-motion: motion varying side-to-side in a horizontal plane (slew: to swing around) Relative to a three-dimensional reference frame, an object might have motion that slews side-to-side, pitches up and down, rolls, or any combination of those three. |
slow-motion: motion that is slow |
slew: killed |
smeltering (fancy misconstruction of smelting): the operation of a smelter (where ore is melted to obtain metal) | sweltering: oppressively hot (as near a smelter) |
smiles | smells |
snake: a legless reptile | snack: a very light meal |
soak | soap |
snooping: spying | stooping: bending very low |
sorted: put into order | sordid: filthy, dirty, vile |
source: origin | sauce: a flavored liquid (often thickened) used on food |
soured: past tense of sour | soared: flew high |
speed | spread |
specie: coined metal (often precious metal where the value of the metal creates the value of the money) | species: a category of plant or animal subordinate to a genus, agreeing in some set of characteristics and fully fertile when bred within the category |
spell: give the letters of a word | spill: pour out |
spin: rotate rapidly | spine: backbone |
sprite: elf, fairy, or goblin | spirit: mood |
spurned: rejected, turned away | spurred: prompted, caused |
squinting: narrowing the eyes (e.g., to focus better in bright light) | squirting: shooting a liquid (e.g., from a hose or squeeze-bottle) |
staid: of sedate character; not flighty or capricious. | stayed: did not go |
stained: marked with a stain | stand: a piece of furniture of various forms, on or in which to put articles
You will often find a nightstand next to a bed. (one word, not two; not night stained) |
starched: (of laundry) slightly stiffened by the addition of starch | scratched: cut by sharp fingernails |
stared: looked intently [see below] | started: began |
starred: was the main actor in a play, movie, or TV show; marked with a star | stared: looked intently [see above] |
starts: begins | stars: luminous astronomical bodies, suns |
steaming: any process that uses steam; giving off steam
Seen in the sunlight was steaming into the room |
streaming: flowing |
steel | still |
steep | step |
stint: be stingy | stent: a thin tube used in medicine to keep a duct or vessel open |
stork | stroke |
stretching: making longer by pulling the ends apart | sketching: making a quick drawing |
strike: take apart or pull down | set: set up
In a story's chapter on camping, the phrase strike camp was used in a context that clearly meant set camp. In this case strike was the exact opposite of what was meant. |
Stuart: the royal family of Scotland, succeeding the Tudors as the royal family of England (before the Hanoverians) | steward [not capitalized]: an attendant on a passenger boat or airline |
stuffed: filled to capacity
Seen in bleed like a stuffed pig. |
stuck: pierced with a sharp object
Obviously, if you pierce a pig with a sharp object, it will bleed like a stuck pig. |
subconscious: existing or operating in the mind beneath or beyond consciousness | self-conscious: excessively aware of being observed by others |
suburb: an outlying community adjacent to a larger city | superb: excellent |
suffix: an addition to the end of a word (e.g., in laughable, the able is a suffix) | suffice: be sufficient |
suet: hard fatty tissue from the abdominal cavity of beef and sheep from which tallow is made | soot: fine carbon particles resulting from the incomplete burning of a fuel
Soot might result from burning suet. |
suite: a group of rooms (i.e., bedroom, sitting room, bathroom) in a hotel | suit: an outfit of clothes; one of the four classes of playing cards (spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs)
The idiomatic expression I followed suit [not suite], which means I did the same, derives from playing a card of the same suit as the previous card that was played. |
surety: guarantee, performance bond | sureness |
surly [sirly]: cross, rude, gruff | surely [shoorly]: certainly; safely |
swapped: exchanged | swamped: overwhelmed (as in swamped with work) |
swear | sweat |
synched: slang for synchronized | cinched: fastened a saddle girth (i.e., around a horse); [loosly] tightened a belt or strap |
tact: skill in avoiding what would disturb or offend someone else
Thus, in tact refers to in that skill. |
tactic: a military maneuver to gain an advantage |
intact: unbroken, together [the word itself is unbroken, without a space] | |
tagging: adding or marking with a tag | tugging: pulling |
tail: what a dog wags | trail: a path |
tasseled: decorated with tassels | tousled: disarranged, disordered |
taunt: maliciously tease | taut: tight
(See also taut and taught under Homonyms |
tenancies: the periods during which tenants (renters) occupy properties | tendencies: predispositions to think, act, behave, or proceed in a particular way |
terse: brief, short (possibly abrupt) | tense: stretched tight, strained |
than | then |
think | thick |
thou: familiar form of you (now considered mostly archaic) | 'though: contraction for although
though is sometimes abbreviated as tho, but not in serious writing. |
though | thought |
through | |
through: in one end and out the other | throw: toss, fling |
throat | |
trough: a long, narrow, open receptacle, usually boxlike in shape, used chiefly to hold water or food for animals; a channel for conveying water; the long, low area between two consecutive ocean waves
(See also troths below.) | |
thrush: a bird; a fungus disease of the mouth and throat | thrust: push |
thumb: the short, thick finger next to the index finger | thump: a dull thud |
tickled: lightly touched in a manner to cause laughter | tinkled: made the sound of a small bell |
till: cultivate the soil; a drawer, box, or the like in which money is kept; (without the apostrophe) until | 'til: (with the apostrophe) contraction of until |
tole: enameled tinware | told: said to |
tome: book | tone: a way in which a voice sounds (" …mother said in a gentle tone.") |
tong: long tool used for grasping (usually plural tongs because they are often used in pairs) | tongue: organ in the mouth, used for taste and speech
(often seen misspelled tounge) |
tote: carry Seen in tote the line | toe: one of those little things at the end of your foot (see toe under Homonyms) toe the line: carefully obey the rules (from the rule that a runner in a track event must not have even a toe over the starting line) |
tough: not tender | touch |
tract: a division of land; a religious pamphlet | track: path |
trail (one sylable): a rough path or track, sometimes created by the repeated travel of people or animals through a wilderness | trial (two sylables): the fromal examination before a judicial tribunal of the facts put in issue in a cause
Note: Writers too often confuse these, with either one being used when the other is meant. That might be the result of typing too fast without proof-reading. |
treat | threat |
trebles: triples, multiplies by 3 | trembles: shakes involuntarily |
tresses: hair (generally referring to a woman's hair) | trusses: (in the context where I saw tresses) structural members designed to hold a weight over an open space (e.g., roof trusses) |
trimmer: something used to trim a tree | tremor: a shaking motion |
troths (trawths): fidelities, truths | troughs (trawfs): long, narrow channels |
tube: a pipe | tub: a basin for washing |
trusting: having confidence in the integrity of someone | thrusting: pushing |
tuff: a fragmentary volcanic rock | stuff |
tuft: a clump or bunch of flexible parts or strands held together at the base | |
tuft: a clump or bunch of flexible parts or strands held together at the base | tough: difficult |
unless | useless |
vale: valley | valet: servant |
valley: a relatively flat, low area bounded by hills and mountains | volley: simultaneous firing of several guns, a similar burst of events |
verses [VERS-is]: poems
(These are not pronounced exactly the same and thus are not homonyms.) |
versus [VER-sus]: against, opposed to, in contrast with |
vesicle: a small sac or cyst, a blister
Seen in blood vesicle |
vessel: a tube or duct within a body, such as an artery or vein |
vile: wicked | bile: a liver secretion that helps to digest fats (the green fluid that is brought up during "dry heaves") |
viscous: thick (usually said about a fluid) | vicious: mean, evil, malicious |
vicarious: felt or enjoyed through imagined participation in the experience of others | |
vitals: (medical slang) vital signs | vittles: (slang) food |
wander: roam (often without a specific destination) | wonder: think with curiosity |
warn | worn |
wearingly: causing weariness | wearily: acting as if already weary |
weary: tired | wary: cautious |
week: seven days | work: effort, task |
wench: young girl; more specifically, a serving maid | winch: a crank and winding device used for hoisting |
were: past tense of are | wear: what you do with clothes |
whelp: a young offspring of a mammal, such as a dog or wolf; a child [sometimes derogatory] | welt: a ridge on the skin, as from a blow of a stick or whip |
when | win |
where: in what place?
were: past tense of are we're: we are [Using one of these for another is a very common typographical error and indicates a total lack of proofreading.] | |
whelp: the young of various carnivorous mammals | welt: a raised bruise from a sharp blow (e.g., from being hit with a belt or stick) |
whiteness: the characteristic of being white (e.g., the whiteness of the snow) | witness: spectator |
winch: [noun] a windlass turned by a crank, for hoisting or hauling; [verb]to hoist (a load) by means of a winch | wince: flinch |
wittiness: being witty, clever | witness: someone who, having personally observed an incident, can testify in court about it |
won | own (a typographical error, a very common transposition of two letters) |
work | week
(an example of sloppy writing coupled with a total lack of proofreading) |
worm: a small, limbless invertebrate with an elongated, soft body
Seen in the phrase worm handshake |
warm: (in this context) friendly |
worriers: those who worry or fret
Seen in Spartans? Isn't that the group of Greece [sic for Greek] worriers … |
warriors: those who fight in wars |
wraith [wrayth]: ghost | wrath [rath]: anger |
wretched [RE ched]: dejected, contemptible | retched [rech'd]: vomited |
wreathed: decorated with a wreath | writhed: squirmed, past-tense of writhing [see immediately below] |
writing: creating text | writhing: squirming like a snake |
yawn: a wide-mouthed gasp, usually indicating sleepiness | yarn: a thick, loosely spun thread |
yes | eyes |
yielding: surrendering | wielding: carrying (as a weapon) |
you | who |
Last updated 20 December 2021
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