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What's New

at David Ross's Web Site

Last updated 11 October 2024

For a hierarchical list of my Web pages, see my Site Map.

Omitted from the following table are updates that merely correct typographical errors, adjust formatting, add a new entry to or delete an old entry from an index of pages (including this page), revise or delete links to external pages, or affect pages that cannot be reached by navigating from my home page. Section is omitted for pages that really cannot be categorized.

The date indicates when a page was uploaded to the Web server, not when the page was actually created or updated. When a new "update" entry is made in this list for a particular Web page, any prior "update" entry for that same page is deleted; "update" entries do not cause "new" entries for the same page to be deleted.

Section Page Date New/Update
Odds and Ends Inflation 11 Oct 24 UPDATED
The Internet "Professional" Web Developers 11 Sep 24 UPDATED

When this page is updated, entries more than a month old are deleted.

Link to David Ross's home page
David Ross home

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